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The team behind Authon believes in not only solving the problems humanity faces today but also ones that generally would be challenging in the world of tomorrow.

Imagine validating the authenticity of a college degree with a mobile application on the blockchain without any fees or a wallet or doing KYC in mere seconds with one click.

The future is here.



The missing part of a real-life wallet on blockchain is finally here. Start creating your identity with your first transaction.



Verify your identity on any supported platform whether it's Web2 or Web3 with our oAuth identity provider.



Your identity is governed by you using a mixture of Biometric and passphrase seeding using Shamir's Secret Sharing.


Next-Gen self sovereign ID
Take Control of Your Identity

Chose who and when can acces your ID.

Your ID is Your Biggest Asset

Everyone is making a profit off of your online ID except you. Not anymore! From now on its your ID and your profit.

Completly Decentralized and Temper Proof

Combined with block-chain and IPFS technology it is secure and most of all only belongs to you.

Groundbreaking Biometric Technology

With AuthID every Authentication is just a click away it's that easy.


Why You Should Use Authon


Casual Enthusiast

As a casual enthusiast with a budding interest in web3 technologies, Authon serves as your gateway to a secure and inclusive digital frontier. Whether you are considering an investment opportunity or keen on being part of a transformative movement, Authon offers a platform where you can navigate digital asset management with ease and security. With its user-friendly mobile application, you can authenticate and validate digital assets effortlessly, paving the way for a secure digital future.


Hardcore Fan

If you are a staunch believer in the revolutionary potential of web3, Authon resonates with your vision of a decentralized and impartial digital landscape. Leverage Authon’s robust infrastructure to embrace the change, safeguarding digital identities through biometric security and blockchain technology. Immerse yourself in an ecosystem that stands tall on the principles of true decentralization and inclusivity, allowing you to contribute actively to a future shaped by web3 ideals.


Certificate Distrubuter

As a certificate distributor, ensuring the authenticity and durability of the certificates you issue is paramount. Authon empowers educational institutes and other organizations to issue tamper-proof and virtually indestructible certificates, safeguarded through biometric encryption and stored securely on a decentralized network. By utilizing Authon, you grant your recipients the assurance that their credentials are secure, verifiable, and respected globally, enhancing the credibility and trust in your institution.


Business Owner

As a business owner, the recruitment process can be streamlined and made fool-proof with Authon’s technology. The platform aids in authenticating the veracity of potential hires' credentials swiftly and securely, mitigating the risks of hiring individuals with counterfeit diplomas or altered documents. Through Authon, ensure that you are recruiting genuine talent, thereby protecting your company from potential financial, legal, and reputational risks, and fostering a trustworthy and competent workforce.

Frequently Asked Questions

As the digital era progresses, the issues of security and authenticity concerning digital assets and identities have become increasingly prominent. Authon emerges as a trailblazer in this landscape, providing an avant-garde solution that combines biometric technology and blockchain encryption to offer a secure, user-friendly platform for digital identity management. Leveraging the decentralized Web3 architecture and the versatile $AUTH token, Authon is designed to simplify and streamline the authentication and validation processes of various digital assets, fundamentally transforming how we manage and authenticate digital identities. Here, we address some of the most frequently asked questions to help you understand the nuances of the Authon platform.
What is Authon and what kind of problems does it aim to solve?
Authon is a Web3 decentralized application that facilitates the streamlined authentication and validation of various digital assets including identification assets, certificates, diplomas, and NFTs through a user-friendly mobile application. It aims to address the prevalent issues of counterfeit diplomas, unsecured and fragmented medical history records, ticket fraud in the entertainment industry, inefficiencies in KYC/AML regulations, and the cumbersome process of traveler document verification. By leveraging biometric technology and blockchain encryption, Authon intends to offer a secure, efficient, and tamper-proof solution for validating and authenticating digital assets and identities.
How does Authon ensure security and uniqueness in digital identity management?
Authon utilizes biometric technology integrated with blockchain encryption to create a unique and secure digital identity for individuals. The platform derives private keys from biometric inputs, which are tied to an individual's unique physical traits, practically eliminating the risks of unauthorized access or impersonation. It combines this approach with decentralized and immutable validation, leveraging the Avalanche blockchain and the IPFS network to ensure data immutability, redundancy, and robustness, making unauthorized alterations or data loss virtually impossible.
What role does the $AUTH token play in the Authon ecosystem?
The $AUTH token is central to the Authon ecosystem, facilitating the notarization and storage of digital assets on the platform. The fees for these services are dynamically calculated in $AUTH tokens, maintaining affordability and resistance to potential price surges. Moreover, asset validation remains free for all users, fostering accessibility and promoting widespread adoption of the platform. This tokenomic model strives to balance the interests of both users and institutions.
How does Authon plan to mitigate potential risks associated with blockchain technology?
Authon has put in place extensive risk mitigation strategies to address potential challenges associated with blockchain technology. The platform plans to initiate its validators and migrate to a dedicated Avalanche Subnet post-public sale, reducing dependency on external validators and enhancing security. Furthermore, Authon employs a two-pronged data storage approach, utilizing both the blockchain and the IPFS network for primary and backup storage respectively, to ensure data longevity and accessibility even in the event of blockchain failure.
Can I invest in Authon, and if so, how is the $AUTH token utilized in the investment?
Yes, you can invest in Authon by participating in the ecosystem through the acquisition of $AUTH tokens, which play a central role in the Authon platform. The $AUTH token facilitates various services including notarization and storage of digital assets on the platform. It is used to dynamically calculate the fees for these services, aiming to maintain an affordable and resistant structure against potential price surges. Investing in $AUTH tokens means participating in a tokenomic model designed to balance the interests of users and institutions, fostering a robust ecosystem for secure and streamlined digital identity and asset management. The details on how and where to purchase $AUTH tokens would be provided in Authon's official investment guidance and on its platform. Before making any investment, it is recommended to conduct thorough research and possibly consult with a financial advisor.